Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)

The Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) is a 75-member. Association primarily of first stage shelters for women and their children escaping abusive intimate relationships. OAITH has been advocating for the rights of women and children in Ontario for 30 years and has since its inception worked for better public responsibility and systemic response on issues of violence against women and its impact
on children.

The women’s shelter network, as part of a greater women’s movement for equality, is the engine that drives most positive change meant to end violence against women. OAITH has responded to a range of concerns raised by abused women and children using women’s services, including: social assistance, funding for women’s anti-violence community services, systemic responses in policing, courts, social services systems and hospitals, as well as making our own services more inclusive and accessible to all women, to name only a few. Our work involves advocacy on issues of policy and legislation as well as on the decision-making of governments regarding funding to address violence against women.

To read the full submission see the document attached below.


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